At Agri Labour Australia, we understand that broadacre farming requires workers with a more specialised skill set than other agriculture sectors.

Our specialist broadacre recruiters regularly source candidates with a suitable temperament and level of aptitude for cropping operations around Australia.

Agri Labour Australia delivers reliable workforces to Australia’s broadacre farmers each year. Here’s how we do it:

  • With rigorous recruitment processes specific to broadacre work that identify candidates’ skill level and suitability.
  • Our national footprint allows us to move high-performing broadacre workforces around the country on various assignments.
  • We consult with broadacre clients to develop results-based training programs (virtual and on-site), as well as metrics and targets to improve productivity every season.

Common broadacre roles we recruit for

We regularly source candidates for the following types of specialist broadacre workers:

  • Tractor drivers (skilled at handling ground prep, cultivation, spraying, planting, mulching, laser bucket and discing)
  • Combine harvester operators
  • Cotton picker operators

Working to your seasons & timelines

Whether you grow cotton, sorghum, barley, malt, wheat or chickpeas, our experienced broadacre recruiters understand that your staffing needs fluctuate with the seasons.

We can assemble high-performing workforces with the appropriate skills and attitude to help you sow in spring, irrigate in summer, harvest in autumn and prepare the ground in winter.

We understand broadacre conditions & requirements

Our broadacre candidates are fully briefed and attuned to the realities of agriculture work. We select workers for your project based on common sense and mechanical aptitude.

The staff we assign to your broadacre project understand that they will generally be expected to work 70-80 hours a week, many of which may be spent inside a tractor cab or else outside in a dusty environment.

Your top 5 staffing issues solved

  1. We supply machinery operators with the right skills and experience
  2. We collaborate with growers to identify peak periods and plan ahead
  3. We draw from our broad digital network of candidates at home and overseas so you are never caught short
  4. Our candidates can handle the long hours and extreme weather conditions
  5. We run digital marketing campaigns specifically for broadacre operators
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