To assist you with meeting these important health and safety responsibilities we have prepared a series of short videos, tools and templates. Please feel free to use or modify these materials as you see fit.
Position Descriptions
To ensure we find you the best candidates, we need a good understanding of the work they will be performing and the skills and abilities they need to be successful. A well written Position Description is one way you can communicate your requirements and expectations.
Risk Assessment
Not only is risk assessment required by law in every state and territory of Australia, it is also the most effective way to prevent costly and disruptive injuries at work. If we fail to manage risks in the workplace, there are serious costs and consequences for businesses, workers, their families and the communities in which we operate.
Work Instructions
Work Instructions may also be called Safe Work Procedures, Standard Operating Procedures or Best Work Practices. Whatever you might call them, these written procedures or instructions are critical for describing how hazardous tasks are to be performed safely.
Site Safety Induction
When starting work at a new location there are many things we need to learn before we become a safe and productive member of the team. Site Safety Induction training is an important part of this learning journey and the better the training, the quicker we become productive and the less likely we are to be a danger to ourselves and others.