Oct 01, 2019

Candidate Conversations – Merryn Gilham

Merryn Gilham has been a valued member of the Agri Labour Australia candidate team for almost one year. Initially registered with an external job service provider, Merryn applied for a role through ALA and has been doing a fantastic job since ever since.

Working at the Costa Group Mushroom Exchange in Spreyton Tasmania, Merryn has been selected to be our Candidate Conversation by Tasmania Area Manager, Melissa Britt because of an outstanding work ethic and exceptional attitude to her job – proving that age is no barrier to being a great employee.

What are the main tasks you perform?

Harvesting mushrooms to the required size and grade according to specifications and packing to a good quality and presentation into boxes.

What’s the best part about your job?

The challenge of doing something, which I have not done previously and continually endeavouring to do the work quickly, efficiently and to the company’s standards.

What skills have you learned since joining the Agri Labour Australia team?

Time-management, organisation, thinking ahead and working in a team environment where the work each person does impacts on others.

What is the most challenging part of your work?

Not to be complacent, to continually aim to do better than the day before.

What are your career goals?

As an older employee approaching retirement, my message is to assure an employer that if a potential employee shows interest, demonstrates a willingness to work outside their skillset, there is good reason to employ mature age employees and those from diverse work backgrounds.

How have you grown as a person since working with us?

I am not sure how I have grown or changed as a person, but the experience has given me the ability to be flexible in a work routine, which then relates to life in general.  Similarly, anticipating and taking the least number of steps to perform a task efficiently, but more quickly.

What would you tell other people who are considering working for Agri Labour Australia?

ALA is a very good intermediary between workers and the host company.  Their Account Manager is able to relate equally to employees and the employer and resolve any concerns, misunderstandings or problems.  Plus, correspondence and payroll information received from administration is responsive and clear, which is great, especially for new employees.

Where to from here?

Whilst there is a place for me in my current employment, I would hope to remain with ALA and with the host company to see what level of competency I am able to achieve.

Favourite place in Australia and why?

Without hesitation, Tasmania! Our little island at the bottom of the world still has large areas of unspoiled wilderness, accessible and beautiful coastline, beaches, lakes, rivers and mountains and a ‘clean, green environment.  I’ve noticed more in recent times that there are more people from other backgrounds coming here, creating a diverse multi-cultural communities which reflects so positively in many aspects of life.

Tasmania’s primary industry is now diversifying in to grapes, berries, poppies, pyrethrum, dairy products, seafood and all the commercial and artisan food and beverage products that so many people love. I’m a very proud Tasmanian and am excited by the continuing and very positive economic, employment and tourism future for this wonderful state!

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